Non-accredited WEEELABEX attestation scheme – AT2101
Large appliances
Mixed equipment
Temperature exchange equipment
Flat panel display equipment
CRT display appliances
Gas discharge lamps
Photovoltaic panels
Stream is described in the "Exclusions/Details" column
(See detailed definitions stated in the WEEELABEX document B02 Eligibility of Treatment Operators (EURo B1801) / B02TR Eligibility of Treatment and Preparation for Re-use Operators (EURo B2101) / B02CL Eligibility of Collection and Logistics Operators (EURo B2101))
Manual treatment, including all or some depollution
Mechanical treatment (pre-treatment and intermediate treatment), or specific manual treatment, including some or all depollution (where indicated).
Advanced mechanical treatment, including some or all depollution (where indicated).
Preparation for re-use process (checking, cleaning, or repairing recovery operations, by which products or components of products that have become waste are prepared so that they can be re-used without any other pre-processing).
location where consumers and, or businesses may deposit WEEE prior to sorting, storage and preparing for re-use or treatment.
location designated for the gathering of WEEE to facilitate separate collection.
facility for receiving and preparing for transportation to WEEE treatment facilities.
(For further details please see the "B02 Eligibility of Treatment Operators (EURo B1801) / B02TR Eligibility of Treatment and Preparation for Re-use Operators (EURo B2101) / B02CL Eligibility of Collection and Logistics Operators (EURo B2101)" document)
Note: new listing (certification) for the same stream and the same operator site replaces any previous listing.
The Certification of Conformity is in compliance with the following WEEELABEX Certification schemes (as mentioned in the “List of certified / attested WEEELABEX Treatment Operators” above):