WEEELABEX organisation is Accredited as per the following Certification Scheme:
Supportive documentation related to the Certification of WEEE treatement Operators:
Certification scheme – Operators EURo A1801 (new scheme currently valid)
WEEELABEX organisation as well as Certification Bodies are self-financed by its own activities and by memberships fee of the Collective Systems, any detailed information is available upon the individual stakeholders request.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Petr Novotny (Managing Director)
Monika Kucharewicz (Office Manager)
Anastassiya Taisumova (Client Communication and Operation Specialist)
U Habrovky 11/247
14000 Praha 4
Czech Republic
Phone +420 (225) 852 802
E-mail: office@weeelabex.org